Just had to throw it out there that my boyfriend is amazing :) Just one of the days why.
Got my Christmas presents early and I was instructed to take the 19th off to have a day of surprises. I worked late the night before then also we decided to go over to a friend's house to hang out for a while. We ended up staying out a little too late and talking in the car even longer. That tends to happen often. I was supposed to be up and about at 9am so I could do Eileen work then be ready to be picked up by 11am. Needless to say I ended up sleeping in. Ugh, dumb. So I pissed off Eileen and skipped her work and got ready. Chris was on a mission to find a big umbrella and gave me extra time and picked me up at 1130. I knew about this show in advance.... he dropped big hints that we were going to see
Peter Pan 360 I was super excited because his sisters took him for his birthday and he said it was really good
I figured it would be at night but he said he moved up the showtime but didn't say why. It started at 12 and we got there just in time. It was a really neat experience and the story seemed to me to be a mix of peter pan the cartoon and hook, which was cool :) So next we had some time to kill so we went back to Chris' house and popped in the Simpsons season 2. We started from the beginning and are going through all the seasons that I have. Chris hasn't done it before and it's one of my favorite things
to do so I'm all about it.
After that he said we were going to dinner and was pretend claiming that I ruined the surprise and that after dinner we were going to go bowling and it wasn't all that special and blah blah blah. He did say it was at
the Irvine Spectrum which is a really pretty outdoor mall but since it was raining I wasn't going to be into walking around and checking it out. But I'd like to eventually.
I was trying to figure out where we would go to dinner.... We passed up pf changs, cheesecake factory, ruby's... but I had no idea what restaurants were even at that mall and I was hoping it was going to be soon because I didn't want to be out in the rain anymore and we kept getting stuck behind these dumb smokers. We came up to a pathway and I looked to the right and saw:
Then remembered that he was supposed to be there and was like awww.... Adam... it's sold out. Oh well. But Chris was pushing me toward the comedy club and I wasn't sure why. I figured it wouldn't hurt to go look anyways. And Chris proceeded to say good thing I already got tickets. I stopped in my tracks and couldn't believe it! I kept saying no... no... you didn't... I almost cried it was so cool! I was trying to contain my excitement... but it wasn't really working. Before we got out of the car he grabbed a present out of the trunk and said we needed it and to throw me off said it may or may not be edible. Dinner was with the show and I seriously couldn't stop smiling. We got seated in some pretty decent seats off to the right of the stage but up against the half wall so no one was in front of us. The present was his new book so we could try and get it signed after the show
I was still all jumpy and excited and couldn't wait for the show to start! We ordered food and drinks and the tables were set up so if didn't have 4 people you were sharing a table with another couple. That was a little awkward but I didn't care. I had to stop myself from correcting the woman when she was asking if Adam Carolla was jewish. Once the show started I was sitting on the edge of my seat laughing and enjoying every second of it. I wish me and Adam could be friends in real life haha. It seemed to just fly by and they announced that if you would like to meet Adam after the show that he would be in the lobby! Yes! We waited in a short line and he signed my book and we took some pics. The pictures are on Chris' camera. None of us are looking all at the same time so his camera dude is fired but he asked who to make out the book to and made sure he spelled my name correctly. I was so nervous, as always if I meet someone that I love so much, I didn't say much and wish I would have gave him a big hug but didn't think of that until way after we were walking back through the mall. I kept thanking Chris and had a little skip in my step. I was so so happy.

I needed to pee and wouldn't be able to wait till we got back to Chris' place so we stopped inside Cheesecake Factory and I treated us to Cheesecake for dessert. Chris got Banana Cream as always and I got Dulce De Leche. We went back to his place and 2 of his sisters work at the movie theater at the mall next to his house and they got us in to see the Black Swan but we had to wait till 11pm.
And OMG... amazing! The movie was so beautifully done... so intense...ah..! We were all crying by the end. So it was a great end to a awesome day.
I'm so lucky to have him in my life <3 I haven't been this happy in years. Its so nice to wake up smiling again.